Husband in his late 30 diagnosed with high grade glioblastoma.

Husband recently diagnosed with brain tumour who had no to very little symptoms 4 weeks ago and now suddenly been told that he got terminal cancer. In few moments, life seems completely changed for us. Apparently, they won't operate because of location of tumour. Only will try radiotherapy and chemo to try to keep it at bay if possible. It's completely unbelievable and struggling to make it terms with this horrific diagnosis. Any coping methods or suggestions will be very helpful. Thank you.

  • Sorry to hear this , my husband had the same cancer, your husband has age on his side, just keep in a positive mindset, and try to keep life as normal as you possibly can, and talk to your McMillan nurse, she is there for you as well as your husband  , wishing you all the luck in the world 

  • Offline in reply to Pj123

    Very sorry to hear about your husband. Thank you for your kind words. It's very shocking that this can progress soo quickly as my husband was walking 3-5k without any support 4 weeks ago and now he can only walk very little with his walking aid. Hope treatment can help a little bit atleast and for little longer too.