My partner has cancer. Bowel and stomach and she has said it’s gone to spine. Currently doing chemo but been told it’s terminal and won’t give her approx time how long until chemo is over. They could take bowel away and gone her a bag. Not what she wants but anything to help more time for her. I am confused and feel alone because we don’t live together and I am not aloud to go to chemo with her because she says that she wants me away from there so I don’t see what she goes through and wants to close the door on it and just come home to the kids and me. This really does hurt me in so many ways but there is nothing I can do it’s her wish. I really don’t think she knows the pain I go through not knowing anything and feel lost and alone with nobody to talk to about it. I don’t know if terminal means soon or can terminal mean with Noel taken away and other treatment could she live longer than what she originally told me I am just kept in the dark about it all. I keep telling her that I am never leaving her it’s not the cancer that is keeping me with her. It’s actually because I am in love with her and this disease is so horrible. Sorry I needed to rant a little
I hope someone can try and give me some clarity on what I have said or even ask me questions and I will give them everything I know of it and maybe try and help me work out time etc etc. it’s so horrible and upsetting not knowing