Worried about dad

Hi, my dad has advanced prostate cancer, and was told a week ago there is no more that can be done, and was given six months, which has totally sent him and our family into complete shock,  he has exhausted all easy options as we were told, as has been on abiraterone and they said as his psa is going up and doubling time of every 4 weeks it doesn’t seem viable now, he could have chemo but this would put too much strain on his body and we were told it would only give him a couple of months extra at the most, he has zoladex and on dexamethasone which he is to continue, dad decided against it as doesn’t want to put himself through such gruelling treatment, he has already had radiotherapy a few years ago so that wasn’t an option either.

I guess I’m reaching out as I’m at a loss what to do next?  putting a time on someone’s life is awful, my mum died suddenly 7 years ago, which was awful in every way possible, but this has really hit hard especially with my dad.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Ladybird71,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm so sorry to hear of the situation with your dad. This must be incredibly difficult and I wanted to send a reply to say we are thinking of you.

    It is a bit cliched, but starting by trying to take things one day (or less) at a time may help - take things slowly.

    Hopefully you have other friends and family around you for support. This forum is a safe space to write things down and reach out to others, and we are always here whenever you may need it. I'm sure there will be others here with similar experience, so hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    You can also use the search bar at the top of the page to find other relevant discussions and people to connect with, if you'd like to.

    Keep taking care of yourself, and I hope that this forum can be of some help to you.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Ladybird71

    I just find out that my dad got prostate cancer too. We just starting more tests to know how advanced is. Is really shock to find out that your family can have that type of illness  and nothing  can be done. 

    My dad is in Poland and i leaving here. Everyday o thinking  i wish I can spend time with him but i cant. I got work here to send him money for treatment that way at least i can help. 

    Try spend time and make memories  with your dad. Hopefully  doctors  will help him with pain and keep him comfortable. Try take things slowly  and really i feeling sorry for you and your family. 

  • Thank you for your reply, I am sorry to hear your dad too is going through a difficult time, I wish him well, it must be so hard when you’re living so far away.

    I will do all I can to support my dad, and be there for him.