I’m doing almost all the work

basically since being diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer a few months ago I’m still looking after my Wife, who is mentally ill and without any help from outside services. I’m literally dying on my feet, yet nobody cares about me.

the Care system must offer at least the slimmed down version if they don’t the whole system will collapse. Many elderly currently in Hospital unable to go home as no home care support being paid for by the State and which costs considerably less than the current disastrous way of carrying on.

i receive no care or support and because of no support.

Indeed being a Business Man for  most of my life until now, could organise and apply a system that works, even in my current state.

what do you all think ?

  • Hello MandyIrene

    I'm sorry to hear about the struggles that you and your wife are enduring at the moment. I know from reading another of your posts that you're actively involved in running a carers charity and so have an insight into the care system that is probably wider and more in-depth than many people here. 

    Undoubtedly there are many people who struggle to access the care and support that they need. I'm sorry that this is the case for you and your wife. It sounds like it's been a real struggle for you. 

    I don't know if you've recently spoken with your wife's mental health care team about options to access care and support or with  your GP or the health professionals involved with your cancer care. If you've not spoken with them recently then I'd encourage you to raise this topic again with them and let them know how much you are both struggling. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses for some advice and support you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I do hope that you're both able to access the services that you need soon and that things improve. 

    Sending you both my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you for your advise and input. However I have requested help for my Wife’s care plus sone relief for me. It all falls on deaf ears and not interested in my Cancer distress. We’ve been left to die. Worked most of our lives , paid taxes  saved and saved, bought a home for us after the loss of our previous partners thirty years ago.

    indeed my late Wife suffered complications during the latter part of her pregnancy , only to be misdiagnosed and suffered Preclampsia and Clampsia which would take her life five years later. I gave up my top job in London to come home to care for her. She died in my arms five years later aged just 29.

    so nobody can explain about Caring to me. My current Wife of almost 30yrs is very poorly, virtually unable to walk and at times quite Mad. Everything is my fault too and all Social Workers wanted to was out her in a specialist Home. That would of killed her so we said an emphatic NO !

    so the system Stinks and like already said, we’ve been left to die. Remember I don’t know how long I’ve got.
