
Hi I'm just home from hospital they think I have cancer in my womb I'm awaiting another so so scared ...just want to no what foods should I eat to help fight the growth pls what should I do

  • Hi,  I’m sorry to hear your news.  Try to be positive until you see further results.  If it is cancer of the womb/uterus, it will hopefully be in the early stages which is very treatable.  Continue to eat healthy meals.  When I had Stage 2B grade 3 endo-cervical cancer and was going through treatments (radio, chemo & brachy), I found I had to completely change my diet and eat high carb meals I would normally never eat in order to line my stomach to cope with all the treatment.  I found having saffron water (made at home with hot/warm water) helped a lot with internal inflammation whilst going through the various treatments.  It tastes quite earthy but one does get used to it.  Feel free to reach out once you know your final results.  xx

  • Thank U so much...I'm on medication as I was bleeding for while and stopped but today it started again....would that be ok if it not as bad as it used to be..maybe the tablets will stop some bleeding but possibly to also bleed a little