Whilst my husband and l await the results after him having P.E.T scan and liver biopsy from having ocular melanoma last year l feel the need to share how we are both dealing with this so differently. I myself have had personal experience twice with cancer and nursed my own dear mum so l find myself dealing or rather taking on board the facts as they are delivered to my husband. I have always been the one to ‘understand’ and find out by self education on it all. Let me emphasise l am indeed letting my husband deal with this entirely HIS way at his own level of understanding.. There is always humour even in the darkest of times to be observed. Here he is waiting for what appears certainly to be not good news, but he is more focused on the great importance of having his knee operation……which bless him he needs and deserves. I do feel isolated now, even family don’t want to hear it, yep l get that too BUT they are all grown up and have families and l believe they too have to start processing things. Anyone else had this heavy weight to bare?