Been diagnosed stage two bowel cancer

Hi I recently just been diagnosed with stage two bowel cancer I will tell you my story October last year I was having pain and my tummy wasn’t feeling right  So I’ll keep going in and out of doctors They keep saying to me, oh it’s a bug or  I’ve got  Gastritis  In this time, I must’ve been eight times to the doctors In the end, I’ve got to was telling me there something is wrong So I went to the hospital on the 15th of November my bloods come back Abnormal And My blood counts were high So they took me to a different hospital Where I seen a consultant, they did a CT scan On me I was waiting for the result and all I was saying was the consultant doctors were running round like lost sheep’s I know that there was something wrong Then they called me and my sister into this room told by their faces Something Wasn’t good I had a burst appendix And then they said we’re sorry to say You have Cancer a tumour Growing in your small Bowels They didn’t know what stage it was or if it had spread any further So I had emergency operation the next day To sort the appendix out and half of my bowel taken away was in hospital for seven days in that time Christmas was around the corner it was a hard to 7 weeks of waiting for my test results to come back finally this last Monday had my results saying that it was staged two I have got appointment tomorrow to see the consultant at the hospital to discuss everything I am 37 scared Head and the only parent what my kids have got left their dad passed away from cancer two in 2020 and they think I’m gonna go to  x

  • Hello Katebob, 

    Thank you for coming here and sharing your story. I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and it seems like it took a while for you to get a diagnosis. What a shock it must have been to be told you had cancer and the last few weeks must have been so tough between having to recover from surgery and having to wait for your test results and it must have felt like a really long time. 

    We have information on our website on stage 2 bowel cancer which I hope you will find useful as well as a general section on bowel cancer you might be interested in reading and if you would like to talk to one of our cancer nurses about anything, feel free to get in touch with them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    How did your appointment go yesterday? Did you get any indication as to what your treatment plan might be? I hope that you feel a little better now that you have seen the consultant. It's normal to be scared especially after what you have been through and your kids' dad passing away from cancer in 2020 but keep strong I am sure you are in very good hands and I hope that you can start treatment soon. You mentioned you have children and it can be difficult sometimes to find the right words to talk to them about your diagnosis or about cancer in general especially given that their dad passed away from cancer. There is useful information on our website on talking to children about cancer which I hope you will find useful. 

    Finally, you are definitely not alone and you have joined a friendly community with many members who have been diagnosed with bowel cancer and who I am sure will be along shortly to share their experience with you.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator