Throat cancer spread to lung

My partner has finished radiotherapy and chemo for throat cancer and following PETscan results last Thursday has been told he has a 12mm cancer growth in his lung .  This was not visible on first PETscan before he started treatment.   We feel we are in limbo as he waits for an appointment with the team dealing with lung cancer having previously been under head neck and throat team.   Our thoughts are is this curable?  Head neck and throat oncologist could not give us a definitive answer as  to what happens now. My partner has lost a lot of weight and his anxiety is through the roof. 

Any guidance appreciated. 

many thanks 

  • Welcome to the forum Mary although I'm sorry to hear about the cancer growth that's been found on your husband's lung.

    It must have been very difficult to hear this but it's good it's been found and hopefully it won't be long until the lung cancer team will be in touch and you'll be able to find out what happens next.

    If you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, you can do so on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. Our nurses will do all they can to support you and answer any other questions you have at this time.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar position on their cancer journeys will share their thoughts and advice with you soon as well.

    We're thinking of you Mary and sending you both all our strength and support.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I want to offer some hope on this. In August, following chemo and radiotherapy for colorectal tumor, I was told I had an 11cm growth on my lung. I began chemo again in September and come December my lung tumor has now virtually gone. So It can be cured.

    I wish I could offer guidance on your wait for appointments but unfortunately where I am probably works differently to where you are based. 

    I will keep my fingers crossed you get some where sooner rather than later. 

  • Thank you so much for your response, that is great news and it offers my partner hope as he is feeling so anxious at the moment … good luck with the rest of your treatment and thank you again for taking the time to reply x

  • Hi Mary, my father is going through the same at present. He had been going for check up every 3 mths for the last year and unfortunately there is a slight increase in cancer growth. We were advise to start chemo in 6mths time. Growth is slow but will need chemo. We don't know what the out come will be. Please keep us updated.