My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 adenocarcinoma lung cancer back in November, just after I got engaged. It took a few weeks waiting for blood test results which would open up to potentially starting immunotherapy, and even then, dad couldn’t start treatment until January because there wasn’t enough time to start it at the end of the new year.
Seeing him lose so much weight during this time has been so heartbreaking. It wasn’t until last weekend when he was admitted to hospital after his oxygen levels dipped to 74%, that they found his cancer had gotten worse and is aggressive. They said that he’s now too weak to start treatment, and has said he roughly has 6weeks left. This has been very devastating for us all. The thought of losing my dad that quick just seems insane to me. He requested to come home since there’s no point in staying at the hospital if they’re not going to do anything. He’d rather be in the comfort of his own home with the people he loves.
I can’t lose my dad, especially when I’ve always imagined him giving me away at my wedding. But now the thought of him not being there for us, not able to fulfil the promises he made to my mum, him not seeing his future grandkids, I can’t get my head around it. We’re moving the wedding up so that he can be here for it, but the earliest we can do is early Feb. Dad’s got a fighting spirit so he said he’ll be there but obviously he’s scared, we’re all so scared and worried.
I took 1 day off work after getting the news that they won’t be continuing with treatment and I felt terrible. My boss and my coworkers know and they’ve been super supportive and understanding. When I went back to work the day after, my coworkers asked me why I was back and that I should be focusing on spending time with dad. I thought I felt okay enough to work, but honestly I was distracted and unmotivated. We’ve also been given extra tasks which starts soon, which I’ve not been able to prepare much given that I’ve been off and my after work hours had been at hospital the past week, so I’m feeling extra stress and pressure about this. My coworkers have said I shouldn’t worry and that they can absorb the work if needed. I don’t know how my boss would feel, but I feel guilty about it all because I know I can still do the job, albeit stressed and maybe a bit distracted. I’m torn between staying home with my dad, and mum (she’s his main carer at this point) but feeling guilty about not working, or powering through work stressed and distracted.
I’m not sure what I’m looking for posting this, but my mind’s been all over the place and I just needed to let it out.