Mums got stage 4 colorectal cancer. How long should we wait for scans?

Hi All

i should probably start with a back story to this. My mum got diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer with 2 lymph nodes involved last year. We had a week intensive radiotherapy and 6 sessions on chemotherapy. She was scanned after her 3rd which showed no spread (fantastic news) then after the last lot she was scanned again when an abnormality was found. She was eventually told about this 4 months after her final scan. She was booked to have a PET scan and then see her oncologist. During that meeting that’s when were told it was stage 4 and metastasised to her peritoneum and he didn’t understand why it had spread so quickly so She was also told to have a biopsy so they knew what cancer they were dealing with. After the biopsy she was called to another meeting with her oncologist who said the spread was rectal CA and was rather confused about operating and referred her to the surgeons who have said it would be a rather big operation, but they don’t know what to do either. So she has been put on more chemotherapy and we were told it would be 6 sessions and scans like before. However we are 8 sessions in and no scans so we don’t know how it is responding (is this normal?) but during the 1st session of her 2nd lot of chemotherapy her nurse asked her if we know what her life expectancy is?…… Has she been put on palliative and not been told?  We’ve asked the nurses to see if they can access any of her records but they don’t seem to know what’s going on either.


  • Hello Gunners31,

    I'm sorry to hear about your mum and can understand this situation is very difficult for you both. 

    The wait for scans can vary, but do chase this up with your mother's medical team to ensure you get your request for a scan.

    If you'd like to speak to one of our nurses about your mum's treatment, you can call the free helpline on 0808 800 4040. The nurses' phone lines are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday, but please be aware that the lines will be closed on New Year's Day, 1st January and reopening Thursday 2nd January.

    I hope this helps,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • i know that this doesn’t help with previous scans and results but the one thing that I have learnt is not to wait.  My mum has stage 4 bowl cancer and following her first 2 rounds of chemo not only did we wait 6 weeks for a scan we also waited for the results.  During the 3rd round before she had completed her last 2 rounds we requested a scan and it happened as soon as she’d finished the chemo and we received the results within 10 days.  I know it feels wrong to a certain degree to be pushy but you have to be.  The nhs do a grand job but sometimes you have to request what you need.  I hope this message comes across as I mean it and please don’t stop asking questions, mums oncologist team have been great n they answer emails very quickly. I find email a great way to communicate as you can take a breath read n re-read till you have asked/said what you need to