RCC mestastis to the skull

My 85 year old mum currently has a 12cm lump on her head, secondary cancer from kidney cancer 4 years ago.  She also has kidney failure and heart failure.  She is very sad and depressed understandably.  I look after her after work and at weekends.  She has had this over a year now and it’s still growing. Nothing can be done.  I want to be prepared for when she will need me more and how that might look. Does anyone have any experience of this kind of cancer?  Much love to all who are suffering and their carers xx

  • Hello Rekra,

    Thank you for posting and I'm sorry to hear about how your mum is feeling. It's not easy seeing a loved one go through this and despite doing everything you can, there's always this feeling like you're not doing enough. Please know that there is support out there if you need it. The charity Carers UK has an advice line (0808 808 7777if you ever need to speak to someone and could point you to support in your local area. We also have information on our website around family friends and caregivers, as well as advanced kidney cancer, which you can refer to at anytime. When it comes to your mum's mental health, the information around mental health and cancer might be able to give an idea of how she's feeling and some insight into how you can support her in this. 

    I hope this is useful in some way.

    Moderator Anastasia