Weight gain

Good morning.

My dad got diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer year and ahalf ago.  The last few months he hasn’t had much energy and has lost alot of weight (no treatment carried out) he feels full much quicker and has a funny metallic taste in his mouth which puts him off food.

we try to get him to get eat but  struggling! Any tips to help my dad get the nutrients/vitamins he needs, someone mentioned lollies ?? Apparently have them in hospitals?? But can’t seem to find them anywhere.

many thanks 

  • Hi ClaireDo,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can see you have also posted in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum and received a reply from one of our nurses, which I hope has been helpful.

    If others here have any other advice to offer, then hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post here soon.

    I hope that things improve regarding the nutrients and things to help with this.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator