Feeling so alone: partner had a stroke last year and was diagnosed with rectal cancer in September

My partner had a stroke last year which has left him with very limited mobility and unable to do very little for himself.  He was  diagnosed with rectal cancer in September and has just had a course of intense radiotherapy so not only am I looking after him day and night due to the stroke, there is the added burden of dealing with the after effects of radiotherapy.  We have no family in the UK. I am 70+ years of age and I feel so alone.  I am trying my best but it's all taking its toll on me.  Sorry to whinge; but I'm really lost at present.

  • Hi Arapuni, 

    This is an awful lot for you to have to deal with: having to look after someone who has had a stroke and who now has very limited mobility is already so hard but having to cope on top of it with a cancer diagnosis is a lot and as you say there is the added burden of dealing with the after effects of  this intense course of radiotherapy. I hope that he is not suffering too many adverse effects from treatment and you might be interested in reading the section we have on our website on radiotherapy for rectal cancer

    You are not whinging at all. What you are going through is so hard especially as you have no family in the UK so it's a lot to have on your shoulders and it's normal to feel alone in a situation like this. You must be truly exhausted and it sounds like you could do with some help really at the moment and that you could benefit from some practical support so that you can breathe a little as it's normal that dealing with all this is taking its toll on you. It's important that you manage to find some time to look after yourself too when you are a carer and our website has useful information on taking care of yourself - there you will find some good tips which might help, for example respite breaks for carers and support you can get in your situation. I would suggest you get in touch with organisations such as CarersUK who provide information and support to carers on many issues including on caring for someone with cancer and they have local groups all over the UK. Carers Trust is another good resource providing advice also on financial support available to carers. 

    I also wanted you to know that you are not alone here on Cancer Chat and many other members of our community are also looking after a loved one and can understand how you are feeling at the moment and the loneliness that often goes with it. I will now let them come and say hello and share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator