When your terminally ill friend says they don't feel up to visitors today...do you go with that, or turn up, hug them and leave?

I know that sometimes (as a healthy person!) I don't feel I want to bother with socialising, but then when I do, I'm glad I did it.
(I'm obviously not comparing me being a bit anti social with what my friend is facing)

But though, is it better to turn up anyway, even if it's for 30 seconds, tell them you love them, and go (if they want you to) or is that putting them under pressure to ask you to stay.
Is a day without visitors going to make them feel worse, or do they genuinely need those days sometimes?

I don't know what to do for the best (my friend is waiting for a hospice, so doesn't have long)

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks x

  • It's difficult but, having had family and friends who were terminally ill, I learned to go with their wishes, especially as their health & mood fluctuates hour to hour so making plans to have visitors is sometimes too overwhelming for them. If your friend has a family member or carer with them, perhaps you could just call in passing, knock on the door & leave a little note or card with their carer & say you just wanted them to know you are thinking of them without disturbing them. I'm sure that once they are at the Hospice, they will be made more comfortable & will feel a little more ready to having visitors. They are lucky to have a caring friend like you. Best wishes to you & your friend,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Bless you Angie, thank you so much for your reply and I am going to take your advice and do just that.
    All the very best to you, thanks again xx