I'm new here just would like some advice my husband had a kidney removed recently and is soon to start immunotherapy every six weeks, does anyone have any advice about this treatment. Please no negative comments x
I'm new here just would like some advice my husband had a kidney removed recently and is soon to start immunotherapy every six weeks, does anyone have any advice about this treatment. Please no negative comments x
Hello Sue
I'm sorry to hear that your husband has recently been through surgery for kidney cancer. I hope that he has recovered well from the surgery and is feeling ready for the next phase of his treatment.
I'm not sure that we have any members who are currently undergoing immunotherapy for kidney cancer but we do have some information on our website about immunotherapy that may be helpful to you.
If you'd like to talk with one of our team of nurses at any point, you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can.
I hope this stage of treatment runs smoothly Sue. Do keep in touch and let us know how you're both coping.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator
Hi, I’m so sorry for what you are all going through. I have had immunotherapy (weekly) mixed in with chemotherapy,, and a friend is having immunotherapy every 6 weeks- but both of us for breast cancer. We both have had very few to no side effects . it is an insurance layer for her and I had really good ‘shrinkage’ results from it. I know ideally you are looking for someone with kidney cancer to reply, but hope it takes any fear of the treatment away as I think it is generally well tolerated. Best of luck
Thank you for your reply it's good to hear from others experiences it does make me feel more relaxed... Well a bit! My husband is so laid back he is going tomorrow for the first treatment then every 6 weeks thereafter. I really appreciate that you took the time to reply x
just wondering has your husband started the immunotherapy yet and how he’s getting on .
I also had a nephrectomy in October and supposed to be starting immunotherapy next week . I’m a bit nervous and don’t really know what to expect
My husband is doing well he had the first immunotherapy session in early December the next one is due in a couple of weeks time. He gets tired at times and has been a little achey in his joints but to be honest he was like that before but overall he said he feels so much better especially since the kidney was removed. His energy, appetite and mood is much better also he has gained weight too. Hope this puts your mind at rest a bit do please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. In the meantime sending a big hug for you xxx