My mum has cancer and is dieing

My mum got cancer diagnosiss around a few weeks ago. She has been home from hospital for around two weeks now. Me and my mums relationship has always been up and down over the years but I still love her. I do find myself though not wanting to be around her as much and feeling angry when I have to get up at night to help her. Especially when she wants a smoke. And wakes me uo for a smoke. Now it is different of course if she needs medication or anything else.  But I feel so angry all the time and don't want to be around. And I don't understand this. Can someone please help me to understand why I am angry and snapping at her. Mind you me and my mum always snap at one another too. But I feel like I'm not a good person and I can't be this way and I don't understand why even after my mums cancer diagnosiss..  I want to be better for my mum. Can someone help me understand and give me idea's to help. Thank you 

  • Hello Sharlene2024

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum's diagnosis and the situation that you now find yourselves in. Undoubtedly this is a very difficult time for you both and it's understandable that you may both be struggling with some difficult emotions. 

    Anger is a natural response to the situation that you find yourselves in. These feelings don't mean that you're not a good person. It does mean that you would probably benefit from some support and help at the moment. We have some information on our website about caring for the carer that you may find helpful to read through. 

    Does Mum have any input from the local palliative care service? Do talk with them about how things are and the level of care that Mum needs. If she's not been referred to them then you can talk with her GP surgery about accessing some additional support. 

    You might also want to consider talking with someone about how you're feeling Sharlene. If you'd like to chat with one of our nurses you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and support they can. 

    Being a carer for a loved one can be very difficult at times Sharlene. Be kind to yourself in the moments when you feel overwhelmed or struggle. Hopefully you will be able to access some additional support to help you both. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator