My mum got cancer diagnosiss around a few weeks ago. She has been home from hospital for around two weeks now. Me and my mums relationship has always been up and down over the years but I still love her. I do find myself though not wanting to be around her as much and feeling angry when I have to get up at night to help her. Especially when she wants a smoke. And wakes me uo for a smoke. Now it is different of course if she needs medication or anything else. But I feel so angry all the time and don't want to be around. And I don't understand this. Can someone please help me to understand why I am angry and snapping at her. Mind you me and my mum always snap at one another too. But I feel like I'm not a good person and I can't be this way and I don't understand why even after my mums cancer diagnosiss.. I want to be better for my mum. Can someone help me understand and give me idea's to help. Thank you