Glioblastoma treatment

My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumour last month. He has had surgery to remove some of it and is about to start his combined radiotherapy and chemo next week.

ironically he was signed off by his Prostate cancer oncologist on Monday having been 5 years since his treatment for that.

He is really struggling mentally although physically he has recovered really well post op. He played golf 3-4 times a week and went to the gym - did all the right things to stay fit and healthy.

He has had to forfeit his driving licence which is really hard for him.

How cruel is life sometimes

  • I’m so sorry you and your husband are going through this! It’s a brutal disease. 

    I never knew what it was until my dad was diagnosed with GBM back in April after a biopsy, he was a fit 67 year old but life took a turn for the worse…it’s so cruel. We were told it was inoperable, ended up wheelchair / bed bound and unfortunately he only had a few months with us before he lost his battle in July. 

    Im still trying to process it myself 3.5 months on so don’t have a great deal of advice other than try and keep your husband upbeat, positive, talk about the good times. I truly hope he beats it. 

    Sending you lots of strength and support 


  • Chris, so terribly sorry about your Dad, grief is a tough thing to go through for any loss of a loved one, heart felt condolences

    VR44 - I am writing this on behalf of Gretch - he is my husband aged 72.

     He was diagnosed in May, front right lobe, considerably large tumour, had his craniotomy June 15th Glioblastoma grade 4 diagnosed 10 days later, radio therapy and chemo started mid July for 3 weeks rested until 11th September 1st session of chemo on the 5/23 regime - triple up the dose of chemo -  2nd session added a further 3rd dose of chemo (temozolomide) next appt due 6th November.  Just la Wednesday had his first Brain MRI with gadolinium - keeping everything crossed for good results

    had to give up his driving licence back in May

     life has been very different, he had a massive seizure 3 weeks ago, I’ve never been soo scared in my entire life, a healthy fit 72 year old in my arms and I thought I was losing him.

     Now on a large dose of Keppra for seizures, steroids have been up and down trying to wean him off them right now, down to .5 mg this weekend

     My heart aches for this man, it has affected his walking, his ability to make decisions, his memory.  He has the appetite of an ox, steroids do this, he has a little face like a hamster ️

     we are taking one day at a time and just doing simple things together

     it is tough on him because he wants to do things like his garden, jobs in doors, we have a small puppy and he cannot go out alone with her, in fact he cannot go out alone period.

     This is a life sentence with a ticking time bomb - after 50 years of marriage, we have the stark reality of knowing we do not have much more time left, but at least we can try and make some lasting memories together

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis, it must be so tough for him and you.

    Thank you for your kind words, albeit it’s tough right now I know he’s no longer suffering but that doesn’t make it any easier as I didn’t just lose my dad I lost my best friend. We’d often go to the football, pub, go for walks, play snooker etc…I’m welling up just writing this.

    My dad had one seizure and I agree it was one of the scariest things I’ve witnessed. Luckily it only happened the once. 

    The worst thing about the whole diagnosis was knowing the outcome and nothing we done could stop what was coming. We just tried to make some more memories any way we could which I’m so grateful for. 

    Again I’m truly sorry your husband is suffering from this disease too. I’ve found using this website and the GBM UK fb site a good sounding board.

    Take care


  • Offline in reply to Gretch


    Thank you for your response. We all sound so similar. Stuart is 72 also and we have been married 48 years. He played golf 3-4 times a week - he was a single figure handicapper - so very good. Stayed fit etc etc.

    I am sorry your last few weeks have been so frightening- it sounds horrendous- I hope you have some support to help you get through each day. I have a lovely son and daughter but they have very young children but they are still doing what they can. I feel sad for them. 
    Stuart is reluctant to see our friends but I am hoping that will change as it will do us both good to see different faces.

    As you say take each day. Best wishes xxxx

  • Chris. Such a sad year for you. I look at my son and daughter and see their suffering. It’s so cruel and it’s the last thing they need with their very small children to look after.

    I am sure you have lots of happy memories of your dad which you can focus on. Lots of love xxxx

  • Never did I think 2024 would bring us here but yet here we are. Thank you for your kind words.

    I know he wouldn’t want me dwelling on what has happened but it’s easier said than done. In time I’m sure I’ll be able to talk more about it but for the time being I’ll grieve and think about the good times we had. 

    I’ve got my fingers crossed for your whole family. 

    Take care


  • Thank you Chris.

    im guessing you are around the same age as my son and daughter - I hope you have family or friends who can help you get through your sad loss. 
    I wish you well. Lots of love  

  • Offline in reply to VR44


    This journey is so horrid for all who have this dreadful disease.  Our children are very supportive, our son lives on Vancouver Island and has returned 4 times since May, he has just returned last Thursday and will now come back here for Christmas/New Year.

    Our daughter and family are quite close in miles and help as much as they can, they take our puppy for a couple of nights at a time, she is sweet and can be a bit of a handful.

     My children are devastated, their Dad is their friends and hero - we have 2 grandsons whom we are trying to protect as much as we can, they know Bubba has had a tumour removed, but that is it.

     Chris - losing a parent is very tough, when we lost my folks, I felt I had no one to go to, in times of need… my Mom was my best friend too, she was always there for me, I didn’t get to say good bye to her, I found her in her bed passed way all alone, it was horrific… I have never gotten over that.  I tell my children, we are being given time to be with Dad and that time is going to be our time to tell him all the things we want to and to love him just that little bit harder.

     Yes, I hope you have family and friends who can support you through this time too

     much love to all who are going through this journey