My husband has Mesothelioma

My husband has Mesothelioma, right lung completely had it, broken rib, etc which nothing can be done.

Waiting on  bed at hospice.

Granddaughter (ADHD and ASD)lives with us permanently aged 12, seems completely in denial.She keeps me going,but feeling guilty as need to focus on her , school ,clubs etc but spend less time than I should with husband,I know he understands but it's so tough .

Her Dad (youngest son) also ADHD is visiting his dad in hospital but won't talk or open up etc.

Oldest Son offering no support at all ,just questions like what next ,are you coming home ,keep me posted.

I feel I am on my own , trying to be 2 people ,one for them then myself.

I do have a good support of friends but I need it from the family, struggling to cope alone.

Am writing this as struggling with sleep etc ,butvi needed to say it  .

Thank you 

  • Good morning Kidsangel

    How are you this morning? I hope you've managed to get some rest and sleep since posting your message on Wednesday. 

    I think your post clearly shows just how much you are juggling at the moment and how difficult things are for you. Have you had any news about a hospice bed as yet for your husband? Many hospices have support services they can offer to families and I'd encourage you to ask about support for yourself and your granddaughter. It's great that you have support from friends to help you at this challenging time but sometimes having a safe space to talk to someone outside of your family and friends can be really invaluable. 

    Don't forget Kidsangel that you can also call our team of nurses for advice and support if you think it may help. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Do keep in touch and let us know how you're managing. 

    Sending you and your family my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you for your time and response. As of yesterday they have changed his medication so hopefully he will be in less pain. They have put him on the waiting list for the the hospice which  has only  6 beds. I have a holiday booked for myself and granddaughter as due to situ last holiday didn't happen, I am feeling very guilty , but i do not wish to take things away from granddaughter plus i think this will do us both good ,  a form of counselling. Husband is more than happy for us to go, but i am really worried on the what ifs!!

    Thank you 


  • I do hope that the new medication helps soon Lyn. I'm sure it will be a relief for you both if he is more comfortable. Hopefully there will be some news about a hospice bed before too long. 

    I think a breakaway for you and your granddaughter sounds like it will do you both some good. Understandably, you feel a little guilty but your husband is supportive so just keep that at the forefront of your mind. 

    Sending you all my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator