Don't know how to help my Mum with Stage 4 diagnosis...

My Mum was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer from colorectal cancer.

She has a biopsy booked this week and an appointment with the cancer specialist soon after. My question is around what I can do to provide support - I'm staying with her and taking notes in the appointments, but I'm looking for other ways I can be of use. She feels fine currently apart from some tiredness.

FWIW my Father died last year from cancer and I couldn't help much as he lived in France and my stepmum took care of him. I'm an only child and, although my Mum has very supportive friends, I want to help her as much as I can.

  • So sorry to hear about your mum.

    It sounds as though you’re already being a great help. Taking notes in meetings is so helpful as it means things that have been said can be remembered and reviewed at later dates - I’m doing this at the moment with my husband - but did it for my own mum a number of years ago.

    My mum was also appreciative of my being a “ shield” for her - by keeping things as normal as possible, finding interest in day to day tasks, taking her out and about and most importantly ensuring she had enough rest and was protected from well meaning but sometimes intrusive friends and neighbours - as talking about “C” is emotionally exhausting and she just wanted to forget about it day to day.

    I would say be led by what your mum wants - having you with her will be a great comfort I’m sure. I found that having helpful phone numbers to hand - triage, hospital nurses, MacMillan etc helped too.

    Hope you feel better and try not to put too much of a burden on yourself - you can only do so much 

    Jackie x

  • Thanks so much Jackie, such a good suggestion re: the shield. I personally find the cancer chat overwhelming, so I can’t imagine how she feels having to navigate this strange new world. I’m sorry to hear you are also going through this with your husband as well. Thank goodness for forums like this. It’s already been invaluable.