Heartbroken - my 25 y/o daughter has just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I'm finding it difficult to process

My daughter has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She is only 25 years old. This has been a great shock and I am finding it difficult to process. I need to pull myself together so I can be strong for my daughter who is having her operation on Monday. I am heartbroken and I need to be strong

  • Hi Gold, 

    I am so sorry to hear your daughter has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer at such a young age. I can imagine it was such a shock for you and it's normal to be finding it difficult right now to process everything - there is a lot to take in too after receiving a cancer diagnosis. I thought I would share with you the information we have on our website on thyroid cancer and as your daughter is about to have her operation, it might also be useful for you to read in advance our page on surgery for thyroid cancer to help you prepare for what happens before and after the operation. 

    You seem to be a wonderful support for your daughter - keep strong even if it is not easy sometimes and it's totally normal to be heartbroken. I hope that surgery and treatment will go smoothly for her and that she recovers quickly from everything. There is another member  who is only 36 who posted a few days ago this thyroid cancer thread - this member was also diagnosed with thyroid cancer and was also waiting to have surgery. Don't hesitate to reply to her thread if you wish to do so and I hope you will be able to connect with others who have been through this too or who are currently in a similar situation. 

    Best of luck for the operation on Monday -  I hope it all goes well for your daughter. Let us know how she gets on we will be keeping everything crossed for you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thankyou for your support and kind words.I will read up about the surgery for thyroid cancer.