
My brother isn't coping with his cancer diagnosis now he is incurable. I feel he would benefit from talking to a counsellor but has turned down hospitals recommendation to contact MacMillan.Where else can I find a friendly ear that he feels is less negative? I dont think the hospice is something he'd accept either unfortunately. 

  • Hello BethorSmith

    I'm sorry to hear about your brother's diagnosis. It's naturally a difficult time for you both and understandable that he may be struggling. 

    We have some information on our website about cancer and counselling. It's worth looking at the Maggie's website to see if there is a centre local to your brother. They have a variety of one-to-one and group support options that may be helpful to him. I know that many of the forum members here have benefitted from their services. I don't know what type of cancer your brother has but I'd suggest having a look at any cancer charities specific to that diagnosis to see what support they also offer. We may be able to signpost you with some suggestions if you let us know what type of cancer he has. 

    If your brother would like to talk with one of our nurses he's most welcome to give them a call. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any support and advice they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I do hope that your brother is able to access some talking therapy to help him improve his mental health. Do get back in touch if we can help any further.

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator