Metastatic brain cancer..sleeping not eating

Please, how do I get my dad to eat & drink. He's got a brain tumor & the last few days have been horrendous. 

He's at home, now with a hospital bed in the dining room as he can't walk far  definitely can't do stairs. 

We cant get him to eat anything today & he's hardly drinking. He is sleeping alot so isn't using an energy but he is so weak. We can't get a care package until Monday so there's me  mum and my sister are helping him to stand to walk the small distance from.the bed to the chair & not leaving him on his own. 

He says he's not in pain but he often looks like he is & looks like he's having difficulty in swallowing.

Any advice?

  • I’m so sorry you’re going through this. As someone who just lost their dad to glioblastoma I know exactly how you feel. 

    My dad generally had an appetite so don’t encounter this until just before he passed away. Have you tried protein powder and fruit smoothies through a straw? 

    This hits close to home for me as it’s exactly what my dad was like. He couldn’t walk so had to use a sara steady machine to get from his downstairs bed to chair, he lost all the muscle mass in his legs and was so weak also. 

    Did they give you a prognosis? Has he had radiotherapy or chemo? 

    I hope things get better for you all, sending you all the strength and support