Hi - Mum newly diagnosed with lung cancer

Hi everyone, I'm Lauren, 29, 3 kids

My mum, my best friend, my rock was just diagnosed last week with lung cancer, we're still awaiting results to find out what stage she's at and I'm really struggling to cope! It's soul destroying watching her get so upset and feel almost defeated by this disease, she's okay in herself at the moment just mixed emotions, all I can think of is 'why my mam?' You never think it will happen to your family until it does. Anyone else in this boat at the moment? I feel so alone. My partner is supportive but just doesn't seem to full understand how I'm feeling right now.

  • Hey Lauren,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mum, and how you feel - I’m 34 and my mum was also diagnosed with lung cancer 2 years ago. I actually came on this site to understand my mums diagnosis more.

    I’ve had a bit o’ practice with the cancer situ before with my dad (bowel & prostate) but I understand the fear of lung cancer - it hit different.

    It’s a whirlwind at first, and it’s so horrible seeing a parent be worried. Im sure you’re doing everything you can to support her in such an uncertain time! I don’t want to offer any unsolicited advice, but know you’re not alone xx 

  • Hi Lauren I’m so sorry to hear about your mum’s diagnosis life is so cruel. My mum was diagnosed in 2020 with liver , lung and hip cancer , we thought she had Covid as her only symptoms were fatigued all the time . Unfortunately her cancer was to far advanced for treatment so we made the best of the time we all had as a family . My brother was also diagnosed within weeks with oesophagus cancer at the age of 48 with a beautiful wife and 2 young children . After treatment and surgery he had amazing results with the all clear but leaving him with no oesophagus so meal times would just be very little and often . Unfortunately yet again his cancer returned affecting liver and lung resulting in more heartbreaking news . I’m so sorry for replying to your post with such saddening news but there is hope with the support of a beautiful caring family. My husband was recently unwell after having a very sudden heart attack but recovered  extremely well after 4 Stents . He is a builder by trade so very fit and active, unfortunately yet again cancer strikes so he has been diagnosed with the same cancer as my brother resulting in a complete change in lifestyle regarding diet and soft foods but he has began his journey with a very positive and strong mind as we also have 3 children, 1 grandchild and another grandchild on the way and I do believe this will help him fight . So he has also started before any treatment Oxygenated Therapy to help him oxygenate his body and mind before  chemotherapy . I also felt I couldn’t express the pain and heartbreaking shock of my mums illness as she was like you said my rock , friend and the most amazing nan to my children , stay strong for your family and it’s definitely good to talk 

  • Hey Lauren,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. Mine was diagnosed with bowel, lung and liver last week. It came as an awful shock as she appears to be perfectly healthy. I'm 32 and I cant imagine how I'd ever cope without her. She is my best friend. Same as you my husband is doing his best to be supportive but I don't feel I can tall about any of my fears with him or with anyone for that matter. I want to be strong for my family. My dad is finding it really hard. I totally get it that you think it won't come to your door until it does. I find my worse times are at the end of the day when I'm tired and I can't control my brain from spiraling. Here to talk xx