Grandad terminal bladder cancer - hospice at home - refusing hosp bed

My grandfather was diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer a month ago. Due to how advanced the cancer is and how frail he is, they said they were unable to offer any treatment whatsoever. As each day passes, he becomes more & more frail. His wish is to die at home, and Macmillan & the district nurses are coming in daily. My Nan (his wife) recently suffered a heart attack & is in intensive care - unlikely to pull through. 
It is unlikely they will ever see each other again. They’ve been married 63 years. He’s too unwell to visit her in hosp and she’s too unwell to leave hosp.
Although his wish is to die from home, he is refusing a hospital bed. Has anyone else experienced this with a love one? Even mentioning the hospital bed makes him angry. But we have been told without the hospital bed, it limits the types of treatments etc that he can receive.  
Anyone else experienced similar resistance? 

  • Hi victoriainsurrey,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm so sorry to hear of the situation with your Grandfather and Nan, and also that there are some difficulties with the hospital bed.

    I understand you are looking to hear of others' experiences - my reply here will give your post a little boost, so a few more people should see it, and hopefully you'll get some more replies from others on the forum.

    I can appreciate this is difficult - hopefully you can get a solution to this, with support from the relevant doctors/nurses and any advice from others.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator