Scared: partner just been diagnosed with bowel liver and lung cancer

Partner just been diagnosed with bowel liver and lung cancer. Said bowel primary but going to do a liver biopsy thinking they think that could be primary.  All confusing what's going on. Said will start chemo after but Partner not sure if outcome will be same. My head all over place at thought of him Ill or worse

  • Hello KHO, 

    I just wanted to welcome you to our forum and I am so sorry to hear about your partner's diagnosis of bowel, liver and lung cancer. It must be such a confusing time for you as you are waiting to find out what the primary is and I hope that you find out more soon so that your partner can start chemotherapy. We have detailed information on our website on chemotherapy which I hope will be useful to you. There is still a lot of uncertainty at the moment as you are still waiting to get all the details of your partner's diagnosis and of the primary cancer so it is completely understandable that your head is all over the place.

    Hopefully you will get the liver biopsy results soon and if you have any questions or want to talk through anything once you find out more, don't hesitate to get in touch with our cancer nurses at any point - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and you can call them for free on 0808 800 4040. 

    Other members of our forum will understand what you are going through having themselves supported a loved one through a cancer diagnosis and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie.  When we first see the consultant we thought liver and lungs then to find out bowel aswell was massive shock. He's only 54. He's always hot and sweating not sure if it's the cancer or anxiety. I just cry as he's my soul mate and have these  awful thoughts pop in my head which upset me more..sorry sounds like it's all about me but its a struggle x

  • Hi KHO,

    I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. My mum got similar news last week. She went for a routine scope and they found a tumour in her colon and a CT showed cancer also on her liver and possibly lungs. Meeting with the oncologist today. Feels like I'm floating around in someone else's body. I get those awful thoughts too, they come out of no where like a bang just when I think I'm keeping my *** together.   The waiting game makes it so much harder as there's so many unknowns. Look after yourself x

  • Aww that's so sad. I always dread my parents getting ill certainly didn't think be my partner. We now got a biopsy date next week then be longest wait ever for results..feel bad feeling resentful that people are carrying on with their lives having holidays and ours is now on hold. Fingers crossed for your mum hugs to you x