Prostate cancer spread to lymph nodes

My husband was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer which had spread to the lymph nodes in September 2023.  He had 37 radiotherapy sessions.  For the last five days he has had terrible bowel issues with loose stools.our GP has asked him to do a stool test for bowel cancer and one for gastro enteritis.  He is also undergoing mri scans of his hips for rheumatology and an ultrasound scan of his hands. Both causing him terrible pain.  He is taking bicalutamide.  He is becoming breathless and his voice has changed.

anyone been or going through anything similar?  He is 67 and has been healthy for 32 years before the cancer diagnosis.  Any assistance would be most appreciated.  Thank you

  • Hello Jo0267, 

    It must be a rather stressful time for you and your husband at the moment and well done to him for getting through 37 radiotherapy sessions. I am sorry to hear though that he has been suffering terrible bowel issues for the last five days but it's good the GP has ordered a stool test and is looking into the possible causes of these issues and I hope that things improve soon for him. All these tests, the MRI, the ultrasound and the wait for results are bound to make you both a little anxious but I hope that you will get some definite answers soon and that they can identify the cause of this intense pain, the breathlessness and voice changes. Hopefully you will hear from other members of our community who have been through something similar and they will be along soon to share their experience with you. 

    Our website has in-depth information on advanced prostate cancer and if there was anything you wanted to ask our cancer nurses, don't hesitate to call their helpline on this free number 0808 800 4040 - it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Waiting for results is by no means easy and I hope that you will find out more very soon - in the meantime I thought I would share with you these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for news.

    Best wishes to you and your husband, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator