My mum , 88 was diagnosed with mesothelioma in April, the prognosis was months. We're in 3 months and I can see the increased trouble breathing, having to return to bed fatigued and chest pains. My dad is also unwell but insists mum help him as he's ill too, she does it to stop any shouting. Some of my siblings feel it's too soon to ask for palliative care help, the older ones feel it would maybe help but the trouble is we know nothing about this stuff except for what we've read. Now it's been suggested to have a discussion on what next steps to take with both parents being so ill. They don't want to get palliative care as mum might give up when realistically she's getting worse anyway. I just am going nuts and worried sick that they seem to think she could get past this when that's not the reality. Can anyone help me work out how to keep mum supported and not fall out with anyone