Trying to support my mum with myeloma but feel so alone. Please help

Hi My mum had lymphoma over 10 years clear. Know she has Myeloma. 

She had chemo every week her back was broken with the cancer and ribs . She know has chemo monthly . This is it She has been told for the rest of her life.

I applied for Mac Millan support but mum specials didnt give consent saying its to soon on the form apparently.  Mum is in alot of pain she gets no other support . I dont understand.  

 I have so many questions and some are around late diagnosis when it wasnt picked up by specials but by an A&E doctor . 

I don't feel she is receiving best for her due to incompetent of her specialist. 

I made a complaint to PAls but had no response. 

I feel so alone. Mum cries alot . 


  • Hello Helen221, 

    I am so sorry to hear your poor mum has been diagnosed with myeloma when she already went through lymphoma many years ago. I am not sure what kind of Macmillan support you applied for but it might be worth getting in touch with the Macmillan advisers about this - there is a helpline you can call 0808 808 00 00 to discuss your situation with them or it might be a good idea to get in touch with your mum's specialist to try and find out why consent was not given. 

    You did well to get in touch with PALs to complain and I hope that you will get a response soon. It's always devastating when you feel the cancer was picked up too later after a trip to A&E. I hope that she is not finding the monthly chemotherapy treatment too gruelling and it's so sad that your mum is crying a lot. There is support and help available though - have a look at our information for Family, friends and carers which has some good tips to help you support a loved one with cancer without forgetting too to take time to take care of yourself which is easy to forget. 

    Don't hesitate too to ring our cancer nurses on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm if you would like to talk things through with them or ask any questions. 

    I hope that you will hear from others here who have been in a similar situation or had a myeloma diagnosis. I came across a post recently by  who posted this multiple myeloma thread so it could be a good person for you to connect with and exchange experiences. 

    Best wishes to you and your mum during this difficult time, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator