My manipulative sister has cancer

Hello I have a younger sister , whom over the years has been a very nasty person towards myself and my other sisters and even my parents who have sadly passed away now. She is very manipulative and users every situation to gain control of  everyone around her. Over the years we have allowed her to get away with everything as she always threatened suicide. Earlier this year she was diagnosed with cancer, we were all there for her but she is still so horrible to us , she fills me with dread and my chest is so heavy with the vile things she says to me. I feel like I can’t cope anymore and have taken a step back from her to try and get my head around everything that’s happening . This now has fallen on my other sisters and they are now being treated awful by sister instead of me . It’s causing so much friction in the family but I feel I can’t put myself in her line of fire anymore . If it was just the cancer I would be fine and I know it would blow over hopefully eventually. She now uses her cancer to control everyone around her instead of suicide , I feel she is using it as a weapon against her family . I don’t know what to do to help my sisters that I have left trying to support my younger sister. I have spent many nights laying awake thinking and crying about the things she has said to me , I don’t feel like I can get past it and be there with my sisters , to support this awful person . 

  • Hello Gailsnail.  First of all, I am sorry to hear what you and your family are going through.  Your sister sounds awful.  Yes, it is sad that she has cancer, but the fact remains that she is making your life absolutely miserable, which it seems that she has been doing for years.  Please do not feel guilty that you can not be there for your sister.  The fact that she has cancer does NOT give her the right to treat you this way.  You say that you lay awake at night crying about the things she has said to you.  This is unacceptable.  YOU have the right to have peace of mind.  If that means cutting contact with your sister, then do so.  I am dying of metastatic breast cancer.  I will be lucky if I am still here by Christmas, but I still treat everyone with kindness and respect.  You don't owe this horrible woman anything.  And yes, she is horrible, and having cancer does not change that fact.  Years ago my Aunt died.  She was one of the most evil people you could ever wish to meet.  She caused so much pain and trouble in our family.  She hurt me in so many ways.  Anyway, I refused to visit her when she was ill and I refused to attend her funeral.  I do not regret it one bit.  It sounds as though your family have allowed your sister to control them for years.  It's time it stopped.  If your sister asks you why you do not visit her, tell her the truth.  Break this hold that she has over your life.  And don't feel guilty about it.  Good luck.  

  • Hi Gailsnail - what a difficult situation for you and your family - I totally understand the distress. It's so important to look after yourself first but not easy for us women who have been taught to do the opposite! Xx 

  • Hi Blue Girl , I really appreciate the time you took to send me your message , it gave me a bit of a boost as I was feeling quite low . I can’t imagine what you are going through yet you have found peace and are able to treat people with kindness . My sister is an emotional drain , when she is being ok she is lovely ,but sadly this isn’t very often. It’s difficult as she doesn’t see anything wrong in her behaviour. If at any time you need a shoulder or to chat , I am here for you x

  • I have three other sisters and my eldest sister thinks she has to keep us all together , but sadly this isn’t going to happen when you have one sister that is so controlling . It helps talking to people that aren’t involved in this toxic relationship. I appreciate the time you took to send me this message x