Tips for recovery after surgery to have cancerous cells removed from the tongue


My father in law is about to have surgery to remove cancerous cells on his tongue; we are hoping that the cancer is restricted to here and can be cut out. Can you kindly g me some advice as to what practical measures we can take whilst he is recovering. Are there any things that we can do or give him to make his recovery more comfortable- food/ tips/ books etc Any advice would be greatly received. Thanks K

  • Hello K and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I'm sorry to hear about your father in law's diagnosis and that he will soon be having surgery to remove the cancerous cells. I know this must be a very stressful time for you all but we are here for you K and hope everything goes according to plan.

    I hope this information we have on how to manage eating and drinking and the changes in speech that might occur after having this surgery will prove useful, but for further information and advice, do give our team of cancer nurses a call. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and will do all that they can to help.

    Hopefully some of our members who have had this surgery will be along soon to share their experiences and advice with you as well.

    We're thinking of you K and wishing your father in law all the best with his recovery.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator