lung cancer and copd

my Mother was diagnosed with lower left lobe lug cancer in Nov 22 and no treatment is available for as the consultant didn't think she was strong enough to face this at her age (81 now)

she's had a slow decline since and also now has a IWA in place  , she had a 3 month stay in hospital and was discharged on Thursday ,whilst in hospital we found it very difficult to make meaningful contact with the consultant to get a clear understanding of what's going on and where she's at

her discharge letter includes the most detail ive been told but unfortunately i struggle with the detail 

"is known to have significant progression of left lower lobe lung cancer with static mediastinal lymphadenopathy and marked emphysematous changes"

i know from a recent scan that her cancer has doubled in size since Nov 22 and no cancer on the brain was seen , she hast lost roughly 4 stone in this time and now has a lot of confusion and needs 24hr care in the house .can any offer any insight into her discharge letter detail 

many thanks

  • Hi seamus67,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of the situation with your Mother - I hope you are getting on OK.

    I can see you have also posted in the 'Ask the Nurses' section of this forum. You'll get a reply to your post there from one of our nurses soon - they will hopefully be able to help with your question.

    I hope that the forum can be helpful for you - we're always here if you need it.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator