Personality changes with Prostate cancer

My husband was diagnosed with Grade 4 prostate cancer two years ago. He has had radiation treatment and hormone therapy, bringing his testosterone to zero and thankfully controlling the tumour so far. The problem is he has undergone a personality change. He was always a gentle, polite man, and never lecherous or rude. Since last year, his behaviour is increasingly erratic,  rude to strangers, aggressive to strangers, obsessed by sex (he has no erectile function at all now) uses crude language, says very inappropriate things. I find his new way of being very unattractive and I cant hide it well, so he is increasingly needy emotionally, sensing my revulsion at his behaviour.  Very often our teenage daughters are so embarrassed by his actions they cry. We had a wonderful relationship for 20 years, but his recent behaviour (presumably due to the treatment) makes me feel so upset and anxious all the time, he's not the man i married, nothing like him, and I honestly dont know if I can keep going. My mother died of brain cancer two years ago as well, and my father also has very complex medical needs and is quite a difficult personality  so I am exhausted from personality altering cancers. 

My husband used to be on my side, we were a team, and we faced things together but now that's all gone. He cant help it I know, but its so hard to cope with.

  • Hi JennyJU, 

    Oh poor you, it must be so hard to see him go through these personality changes. This must be so hard for you to have to deal with and how unlucky that you have witnessed these personality altering cancers before and this is bound to affect your own mood. Having to see him be rude to strangers, obsessed with sex and saying inappropriate things must be really tough for you and your teenage daughters and it's hard to recognise the man you married and to know what to do really, how to react when he behaves in this way. 

    I don't know if you have already spoken to his medical team about these personality changes and how they have been affecting you and your daughters but it's certainly worth bringing it up as they might be able to help or have useful suggestions to help him and to help you cope. Feel free also to give our cancer nurses a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Keep strong JennyJU - we are thinking of you during this difficult time and wanted you to know that you are not alone. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator