
My dad was diagnosed palliative 2nd May. Told MacMillan would be in touch by phone initially……died 28th May and only contact from them was a phone call 24th to arrange a visit 28th in the afternoon. To say it’s disgusting is polite. Was told they were busy due to sickness and being short staffed and there may be a delay and as understandable as that is my dad and my family were let down unimaginably. We never imagined that he would be gone before we were able to speak to someone who could support us. 

  • Hello LaoraJoe, my sincere condolences on the loss of your Dad.  I know that it seems inexcusable how your Dad and your family were treated, but MacMillan are very over-stretched.   When I was told that I was terminal, it was several weeks before I received a visit from a MacMillan nurse.  My nurse was extremely apologetic, but she explained that sometimes, the workload of MacMillan is more than they can cope with, and that there are times when, due to sickness and staff shortages (as you have pointed out) that they just can not keep up with the demands of the job.  When a person reaches the palliative stage, they can linger for weeks, months or even years, and to be fair, there is no way that they could have known that your Dad would succumb to this monstrous disease so quickly.  Also, they have to prioritize those patients who do not have any family or friends to take care of them.  Luckily, your Dad had his family to be there for him.  Once again, my condolences on your loss.