Son’s cancer

So a week ago my son who is 37 just got diagnosed with cancer, kidney, lung and lump in the side of his neck which is growing fast, symptoms only starting 3 weeks ago, he thought he had broken his ribs and this growth on the side of his neck, which he thought was from a surfing accident, he was in Mexico, so had to get funds together to get him home because of his breathing was so bad, so last  Saturday took him to A&E, they said he has pneumonia , they did a X-ray and a CT scan, came back with bad news he has cancer in his kidney, lungs and side of his neck, I think I went numb at that point and went into mum mode, they were treating his pneumonia with antibiotics, for the pain he was given morphine and codeine, said he can come home because of bank holiday Monday, we should get information to get a biopsy on Tuesday , so Sunday he couldn’t breathe properly, so rang ambulance and put him on oxygen, went to A&E and then on to a ward, so with all the blood test and biopsy on his neck, it was a waiting game just waiting, because they thought it could be TB, we thought was strange because the dr had already said it was cancer, so yet waiting again for everything to come back, told today it is aggressive cancer and clearly is fast because his neck lump is getting bigger by the day, so they are doing a biopsy on his kidney today, so waiting again to see what treatment to provide. God this is so  messed up I can’t think at all or take it in

  • Welcome to the forum Jeez although I'm so sorry to hear about your son.

    I can't even begin to imagine how you must have felt when you found out your son has cancer, but I'm really glad you've reached out to us as we have a lot of members here who will understand what you are going through, so you are not alone, and hopefully you won't have to wait too long to receive some support and advice from the community.

    This period of waiting can be extremely tough so if you'd like to talk to one of our cancer nurses about everything that is happening, do be sure to give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all they can to support you and answer any other questions you may have at this time.

    We're thinking of you Jeez and hope your son will be able to start treatment soon.

    Best wishes to you both,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator