Is this the end?

My husband had Whipple surgery for pancreatic cancer 2 years ago and everything was ok until 7 months ago he developed Mets to his liver. He has been having palliative chemo until six weeks ago as it seemed to be doing more harm than good. He is now in terrible pain in his stomach and back and ZOMORPH and oral morphine are not helping much. His appetite is virtually non existent. 
I am prepared for the inevitable and have made sure I’ve eaten as when he was first diagnosed I went to pieces. I know it’s difficult to answe but if anyone else has been in this position I just need to know approximately are we talking weeks, months or what?  I feel as though I’m drowning in what ifs. I’m sorry this is so long but it had to come out of me somehow

  • Hello LyndaG, so sorry for what you and your husband are going through.  It is very hard to predict how long someone has got left to live, because cancer is so unpredictable.  I knew a Man who was told that he had 5 years, and he went on to live for another 22 years.  However, as I have lost so many friends and family members to cancer, and am now terminal with cancer myself, I feel that your husband is showing the signs of someone who has weeks rather than months.  I hope that my honesty has not upset you, because the last thing I want to do is to cause more pain to someone who is already facing so much grief, but I think that you would rather hear the truth with no sugar-coating wouldn't you?  Once again, I am so sorry that you and your husband are going through this, and my thoughts and prayers are with you, xx 

  • Thank you Blue-girl for your honest opinion. I really appreciate it I’m so sorry that you are in this awful position too and hope and pray that you are keeping this terrible disease at bay. Being able to talk with someone else about my true feelings is a godsend. Look after yourself and my prayers are with you xx

  • Hi LyndaG

    I am so sorry that you find yourself in this situation, and so sorry that your husband is in so much pain.  I am not sure if he is in hospital or at home at the moment, if he is at home, you may want to contact his gp or palliative care team with regard to his pain meds, either increasing them or possibly looking at fitting a syringe driver to try to keep his pain under control.

    I know that my Mum suffered horrendous pain in her back at the end, which we could do little to lessen it as she was lying in bed.  But she settled alot once the syringe driver was fitted.

    I wish you strength to get through this dreadful time.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for your kind wishes LyndaG.  I feel that I have perhaps a few months.....this is my gut feeling.  I am very much at peace with myself, and whilst I would have loved a few more years, I have accepted that what must be must be.  God bless you LyndaG, I will keep praying for you and your husband, xx