Time off to care for my dad

Hi all,

My dad was diagnosed with lung cancer last summer. He had chemo in the autumn which sadly failed, and radiotherapy to try to shrink the tumours in February, which has also failed.

He is now extremely weak and confined to bed. He wants to stay at home and luckily this has been possible so far. He and his doctors/nurses feel that he likely only has weeks to live. Carers come in twice a day but he lives alone so otherwise does not have anyone around him.

My work have been very understanding so far and I have been off since the middle of last week as I just want to spend as much time with him as possible. I don’t live locally to him and was trying to get to him after work every day for a few hours, which was quickly driving me to exhaustion.

My thoughts are that I would like to continue to spend the time with him that we have left, but I also don’t want to use up all the goodwill with my work and cause frustrations there. I really love my job. Equally, I work in an area where I need to be emotionally regulated to support others, which I don’t think I’m capable of at the moment. I’m just wondering if it’s reasonable for me to continue to request time off for the next few weeks to be with him. I realise that after he goes, I also probably won’t be in a good state either and will need some time then as well.

I guess I’m looking for reassurance that it’s okay to prioritise him and my work won’t hate me.

  • I think under the circumstances its more than reasonable to ask your work for this compassionate leave. I would state that right now you need the breather and temporarily are unable to fulfill your employment role to the best of your ability because of the extreme circumstances.Then go look after and spend time with your dad. You don't want to live with the regret that you missed out on those precious last moments together. 

    Good luck and be at peace with your decision .

  • Offline in reply to DD24

    I was wondering if your employment offers a career break for carers. This way your job remains open but you don't get paid by them, however you could speak to your GP to be signed off from work as this must be causing you severe anxiety and stress. Then you could be paid sickness benefit and you could claim universal credit/ PIP/ ESA.

    Have a look at www.gov.uk

    Would your employer even offer you to work from his home?

    Hopefully your father is also receiving all the benefits he is entitled to.

    Good luck and a big hug as you're doing a marvelous wonderful thing by looking after him.