PET Scan Results - Deauville Score

Hello everyone, I was hoping for a bit of advice if anyone has been in a similar position.

For a bit of context, my boyfriend has been fighting lymphoma since 2021 - he has been in remission and relapsed. Fast forward a couple of unsuccessful treatments, he had radiotherapy which had done enough for him to have a stem cell transplant in January 2024. He had a PET scan today and we just found out from his consultant that the scan looks good and the Deauville score is down to 2 which means he is in ongoing remission. She said "it's good news".

I know it's good news because the alternative would have been devastating but we are both sat here wondering what the meaning of a Deauville score 2 is. When he went into the stem cell transplant, the radiotherapy had got him into remission with a Deauville of 2, so I'm struggling to see what the stem cell has done?

He will see his consultant every 3 months, no scans booked though. 

Could this mean the stem cell has prolonged how quickly the cancer is growing? 

Feeling confused and of course over the moon this is the news as I know so many are not this lucky.

Thanks all x

  • Hello SBNS

    I'm sorry to hear about your boyfriend's diagnosis and all that you've both been through over the past few years. It's obviously been a difficult time. 

    It's really positive to hear that the team was so pleased following his most recent scan results. 

    In terms of what this means for your boyfriend moving forward, this is something that's best talked through with his clinical team as they have the full picture regarding his diagnosis and most recent results. Does he have a nurse specialist that he can contact to talk things through with? Hopefully, they will be able to give you both some clarification and reassurance. If he doesn't have a nurse specialist, then give the Consultant's secretary a call and let them know that you have some further questions following the appointment this week and you'd like to talk with someone. Hopefully they will be able to arrange for someone in the team to give you a call. 

    If you'd like to speak with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Sending you both my best wishes for continued good news. 
    Cancer Chat moderator