Lymphoma returned

My husband was treated for lymphoma over last 2 years and told he had complete metabolic response to a very invasive treatment to be told a few weeks later it has returned ! We have 5 children all of adult age and dotted around the world . One of our daughters is getting married in May . My husband wants to be well for that and  saying he doesn’t want treatment to start til after the wedding ! I am scared as to what that means for him and what the cancer is doing to his body !

  • Hello Creative

    I'm sorry to hear that your husband has recently been told that the lymphoma has returned. It's understandably a difficult time and natural that you have concerns and questions. 

    I can understand why your husband wants to wait until after your daughter gets married next month. What has his medical team said about this? Hopefully, they can give you both some reassurance about delaying the start of treatment or at the very least give your husband all the information needed to weigh up the pros and cons of this option. 

    If you think it may help to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and information they can along with help you think about questions that you might want to ask the specialists. 

    I hope that you're all able to enjoy this upcoming family occasion and that when your husband starts treatment, things progress smoothly. 

    Do keep in touch and let us know how you're both getting on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator