My mother in her late 50s was diagnosed with AML a few months ago. So far she's had 2 rounds of chemo. The first went well, she recovered, was discharged for a couple of weeks before returning for the second round of treatment. Just before the 2nd treatment they said she'd gone in to full remission but would have up to another 3/4 rounds of chemo to ensure it doesn't come back.
After the second round of treatment, she was again discharged but this time she came down with an infection. She went back to hospital and had fever, diarrhea, nausea. They said it was a picc line infection so they took this out. Its now week 3 and she is not herself and worse than I've seen her throughout this whole process.
She has slurred speech, is confused, her eyes are glassy and have a film in the edges, her face/lips are swollen, she's extremely fatigued, cant eat normal food. They have her on antibiotics and have been giving her blood transfusions, platelets etc.
I'm wondering if this is normal for a chemo patient - can she recover from this state or will it only get worse? The doctors seem very unavailable to shed more light and don't go in to specifics.