Hi i have been speaking to a few people recently about my husband who was coughing up blood so they sent him for a xray nothibg showeed up then within 2 dsys he had a ct scan then got the call to bring a relative with him then next thing was a pet scan the pet scan showed no spreaed anywhere so next thing was need a biopsy so did that yesterday today has his lung function test fingers crossed he does not need the next they did say they have a few samples this has all happened within the last 3 weeks i dont undersatnd why u would do the camera test to check to see if the cancer is in the middle of your. Chest surely they know were your cancer is after a xray a ct scan and a pet scan and blood tests jeez my daughter who was 14 her first mri told us straight away she had a brain tumour when my dad wqw unwell we took him to hospital and whithin 5 weeks he passed he had eaphauhes cancer which had spread within 6 months so i have been through cancer lots of times and i do try to atay stong but im not i do hide a lot and i also have a few drinks to block out so i dont have to think whats going on my youngest daughter has anorexia my 2 other sons have autism so i am quite strong i do my best to keep a straight face but hey im doing okay the now yeh i do have mental health conditions bpd severe anxiety depreasion lots of other things no point in mentioning i do have the mental health team come out every week to visit me oh i forgot to tell u all my little nathan also nearly died he had a 20% sirvival r which he beat rhe oddsmy first child at was still born my little aiden so i think that what kicked in my eating disorder bulima but even years bedore that i was sexually abuses by the most trusted peraon my granpa which we never spoke us 3 sisters until he died then me being a idoit went to london and gor raped there so anyone can imagine why i am mental xx a