Hi Cancer forum
can anyone please relate to my condition.. despite online searching for like minded sufferer's, i remain alone until maybe now after joining this forum ? suffered AML in 2009, had 7 courses of Chemo which left me numb on my extremities, but also up my bum ! after 2 years of being treated for constipation i was diagnosed with intersusception, a kind of intestinal kinking, which obviously meant any attempt at defacating meant having to digitize to get the stool out.. in 2017 i was offered a home irrigating kit as i dont pass stools without flushing. apart from this i have a constant need to sit or lie down as i have a feeling of rectal pressure which builds until i cant bear it any longer and have to sit down. however unless its a shoe shop, there are not many chairs in shops. i use a walking stick with a flip seat attached but this only eases my pain to 4/10 until i find a real chair or get home. i have had surgery at 2 nhs trusts and no other offer. im currently pricing privately with a view to have my rectum removed and a stoma placement with a hope of becoming pain free. can anyone relate to my symptoms please ?