FIT test

Hi there, can I just ask how quickly anyone got called to let them know if their FIT test was positive? I have received a text message asking to make an appointment for a phone call consultation with my doctor as she wishes to speak to me about my results. Not to worry unduly, but she obviously needs to speak with me. Should I be worried? She told the receptionist to book me in for a phone call within 2 weeks. I am so anxious and have been crying all day. The thought of waiting a week for a call is just horrible. Appreciate if any of your could share if you were called immediately or had to book an appointment to get your results?


many thanks 

  • Hi and thanks for your post

    You may hear different responses to your query regarding how quickly you were told of your results, but it's important to stress that a FIT test doesn't diagnose cancer.

    It shows whether any traces of blood has been found in your stool sample  and there are many explanations as to why this could be. It includes piles(internal or external), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) inflammatory bowel conditions and polyps which can be benign as well as malignant (cancerous)

    Try and not read too much into the GP wanting to talk to you about the results within 2 weeks. It'll be hard waiting, but even if the GP says some blood was found , please don't  assume that this is cancer , as the majority of people will not turn out to have cancer.

    A colonoscopy - a test where the inside of your large bowel is looked at - may be advised, so they can see what, if anything, may be causing the trace of blood.

    Hold your nerve and try and keep busy while you're waiting.

    All the best


  • Thank you so much. I spoke with a doctor today.  I have blood present in my stool. I am measuring 8 on the scale. 0-5 is normal, 10+ is emergency. So I'm kind of heading that way. I have been referred to the specialist at the hospital , gastro department. I am assuming they will want to do another colonoscopy as my last was 8 years ago. I had a sigmoidoscopy in 2019 which was clear. I do suffer with IBS & Diverticulitis, so I am praying it's just that or even Crohns. Anything but cancer. I have a 3 children, my youngest is 5 and it's my worst fear, leaving them behind.  I lost my best friend to cancer last year and seeing her little grow up without her mummy breaks me. It's all very raw. I have been sobbing all afternoon. I really appreciate your message 

    Sheena x 

  • Hi

    As a bowel cancer patient in the past Ive had lots of tests and procedures.

    I had a fit test for the first time, think it was this year and I was warned that these were so much more accurate that the previous stool test. I always worry about the cancer returning again but the GP said these tests are so good at detecting blood, don't think the worst if it comes back positive. She said a single pile or inflammation could give a positive result. Thankfully it came back ok.

    If you already have IBS & diverticulitis this could well be why but by having this investigated further you will be certain of the cause.

    They have to put you on the 2 week pathway if there has been a positive result just in case.

    Let us know how you get on.

    Please please don't let yourself google. xx

  • It came came with blood in my stool. I scored 8.

    0-5 is normal and over 10 is an emergency apparently. I have been referred to the specialist, gastro team again. I was only discharged in 2019. I had a sigmoidoscopy back then and it was clear. But not had a colonoscopy for about 8-9 years. 

    thank you for your message. I am just sat in tears. My worst fear is leaving my babies behind at such a young age. It's breaking me. Praying it's nothing. 

    thank you again 

    Sheena xx 

  • We always imagine the worst outcome.

    Thinking we will leave our famlies etc

    It's not easy all the waiting around for tests and then results, nothing is quick.

    Take each day at a time, try to do nice things and keep busy, this slightly takes the worry away from the front of your mind.

    Have you any more symptoms, I suppose you will have with the other bowel problems you have.

  • Hi, I have the results back and there is blood in my stool. Slightly higher results than normal. I am waiting for a referral now. As you say nothing happens quickly. I have gas, bloating, back pain, feeling full in my bowels a lot. I've never really had a huge appetite so that's a hard one to judge, but I never really feel like eating a big meal.  I have been diagnosed with the early stages of diverticulitis when I had my colonoscopy 8 years ago, and IBS. I had a sigmoidoscopy in 2019 which was clear. But more recently I have been having pain in my right side, a bit like Kidney pain. But it's the back pain I am worried about, it started a few months back, hurts at night when I lay in bed too. It's all a worry thank you for your message. I will try to keep busy, but it's early days and just fearing the worst and so many horrible thoughts going through my head. 
    Thank you, Sheena x 

  • Can I ask how you got on with your bowel cancer? What stage was it when you were diagnosed and what treatment did you have? What symptoms did you get? So pleased that you managed to beat it. I am praying my sample came back due to my diverticulitis, or anything other than the C Word! I'd be happy to have it all out and live with a bag if it means sticking around to see my children grow x 

  • Hello Sheena,

    I am sorry to hear about the worry you have. 

    It is reassuring to know that you are being referred to see a bowel specialist so you will know more soon and hopefully get a diagnosis. I do think that it is possible that the bleeding could be caused by diverticulitis.  You can read about this condition on the NHS website here. I hope it is nothing more serious. 

    It is now all about waiting to to be seen, so I hope you can busy yourself with other things to help keep your mind of your worry.  I also hope you have close friends and family that can support you. 

    I hope you know more soon and that you will be okay.

    Take care,


  • I'll send you a friend request if you want to talk or have questions xx


  • Thank you, yes that would be lovely xx