Small amount of blood when I wipe


I have never posted on a forum like this before but I am going through a bout of really bad health anxiety and thought I would ask for some advice. 

I am 25 and I go the toilet regularly (maybe 3 times a day?) - I go at the same time roughly each day. Every now and again (maybe every couplf of weeks), when I go the toilet and wipe, there are tiny spits of bright red blood. When I say tiny, I mean not a lot. I look at my stool every time I go and there has never been blood in my stool or in the pan. My auntie had bowel cancer at 47 so its a touchy subject for me. 

I went to my GP as I was concerned and they took my bloods which came back normal. I also did a FIT test where they test a sample of your stool to see if there is any blood in it and that all came back normal. She also did an anal exam and said there was no lumps and she thinks it could be a heamorroid higher up. 

My partner gets the same every now and again but it is really concerning me. my GP said I don't need a colonoscopy at my age. I never really get pain or constipation but scared that when I find spots of blood it has not hurt to pass the stool. 


Can anyone please give me some advice? much appreciated xx

  • Hi

    Sorry you are going through all this worry and anxiety.

    If it is bright red blood this means it hasn't travelled far as if it were at the beginning of your bowel it would be dark by the time it came out.

    Piles or a fissure are most common.

    It's good your bloods and fit test were fine too.

    Does the Dr know bowel cancer is in the family? 

    Also your partner should get checked too... just in case. 

    You are young so likely not to be cancer but it isn't impossible and the earlier these things are caught the better the chance of being cured.

    Listen to your body and if you are still worried go back to the Dr or a different one.

    Better to be safe. xx

  • If there is no blood in the stool the chances of it being cancer are million to one, even if there was still highly unlikely to be cancer. Try to stop worrying if you can.

  • As previous commenters have said, it is unlikely to be cancer. I had that recently, though far more than every once in a while - for a while it was nearly daily. I also lost weight in the last year or two and had a couple of weeks with really bad gas pains and I also seemed to be having loose stools a lot. Telling all this to the specialist, he said that at my age, the risk of cancer was less than 1% (I am 40, so the risk for you would probably be significantly lower than for me), but that the only way to be absolutely certain it was nothing serious was a colonoscopy. I had that done and all that was found was hemorrhoids, as he had pretty much predicted. The same is likely to be the case in your situation, but you were right to check it out, especially with cancer in the family. The possibility that my grandfather may have died of bowel cancer was the main reason I was referred to the specialist. 

  • Hello

    As the  others have said, it is very unlikely in your situation that this is going to turn out to be cancer.  It sounds like your GP has done tests to check you out, so you can take reassurance from this.  If your problems continue then do see your GP again, but try not to focus too much on cancer as a possible explanation.  You mention that you are going through health anxiety at the moment.    Lingering here on a Cancer Chat and looking for answers on the internet wont get you a diagnosis or reassure you and is more likely to increase your anxiety without giving you answers.  So do see your GP if things continue and perhaps ask them about ways of helping you manage your anxiety too.

    Take care
