I am just after any information or insight into what it means when chemotherapy only shrinks a tumor a small amount?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April. I had a 3.1cm tumor and another 1cm tumor was found in the same breast. I also have lymph node involvement. I've just finished 6 cycles of Docetaxel and Carboplatin chemotherapy and have had the Herceptin injection which I will continue on. I also have the Zoladex injection once a month.
My larger tumor has only shrunk about 0.5mm one way and maybe 1cm maximum the other. It was described to me as a bit like a sausage shape.
I will be having a mastectomy in October and will know more after surgery.
What I am wondering though is what the size of the tumor now actually means? Initially I was told it may completely disappear. I can feel the tumor and to me it still feels very large. Does this mean the chemo hasn't really been that effective? I didn't know if the cancer cells could have been "killed off" so to speak leaving the tumor.