Unhappy with breast clinic appointment outcome

Hi, I was referred to 2ww rule clinic due to dimpling on left breast. Went on Friday. Mammogram showed no lumps but did show enlarged lymph nodes. The consultant didn't even look at the dimpling.  No clear explanation why lymph nodes would be enlarged. Asked if I had Covid vaccine to which I said yes, in March. He said it was likely to be that (some 6 months later). Swollen area near armpit which he didn't look at. Discharged. I'm not really happy with the way this went. No clear explanation re: lymph nodes and not interested in the dimpling. Can I go back to my GP and ask to be seen again. I know there's a change in my breast and I'm concerned that my concerns are being dismissed. 

  • Hello Shazy and thanks for posting, 

    I am sorry that you are unhappy with the way things went at your breast clinic appointment. I think it probably would be a good idea to talk this over with your GP and get their input. I don't know what the GP will say about re-referring you, but there is no harm in asking. 

    Breast symptoms are usually assessed at the breast clinic with a clinical examination and imaging (a mammogram and/or ultrasound scan) and sometimes, but not always, with a biopsy as well - the need for a biopsy can depend on what the imaging and examination turns up. I am not sure if the consultant performed a physical examination, but if not I think this is something to bring up with the GP. 

    There have been a number of reports of swollen lymph nodes in the armpit and neck on the same side of the body as the arm that had the COVID vaccine. I am not sure how long these nodes remain swollen or how widely studied this has been - it may be that data is emerging about this, but doctors who regularly assess lymph nodes may be starting to form a picture.  I think if swollen nodes are thought to be related to the vaccine you would have to date them from the second vaccine - I am not sure if it was your first or second vaccine in March. But this is something you could also to talk to your GP about as they are likely to have come accross this before in the vaccination programme. 

    The GP should hear back from the breast clinic to explain what the consultant did and thought,  I don't know how long this will take, but for now I think it would be a good idea to get an appointment to go over your concerns with your GP. I do hope they can help. 

    All the best 


  • Hi Julia, thanks for your reply. The consultant examined my breasts but he did not really look at the dimpling it to the other breast.  I had my second Covid vaccine in March but it was in the other arm to that where the swelling is - he didn't even ask me if this was the same arm.  My nursing colleagues each have said I should also have been offered an ultrasound scan as well as the mammogram especially where the dimpling is.  

  • Hi could I ask how this went did you get a second appointment