Lump Under Clitoral Hood

I'm 21 and have severe anxiety. A month ago I found a lump that I could feel when touching the *** hood, unsure where it was at this time or what it looked like, however I thought it might have been a spot etc so it would've gone down. It's not gone down and hasn't gotten bigger either. It's only irritable if I'm wearing tight clothes or have my legs crossed. I rang the doctors last week and they put me on some tablets to see if it's an infection but I really doubt this. I managed to get a photo of the lump and it looks like a white spot, it's hard and only can be seen if the hood is really stretched. Im going to ring the doctors when I'm out tablets, but I'm afraid the doctors will dismiss me and tell me it's nothing serious because I'm too young, as they have told me this before with endometriosis. I'm just worried as it's in a really odd place for it to be a spot, infection or cyst. Any advice? 

  • Hello, and thanks for posting. 

    I'm afraid we are going to be unable to say if there is anything the matter as we are not doctors, but what I can say is that cancer in this area is very unusual in your age range. It is normally seen in ladies a lot older.

    Lumps in that area can be put down to other things like Bartholin's cysts, which I have provided information on here.

    If you can it is good to try and talk this through with an adult that you trust, and then if you want to, contact the GP to organise an appointment. 

    Take care, and try to not get yourself to stressed, as there will be an explanation. I know you have also posted elsewhere, so will post this there too.

    Hopefully you will know more soon.


  • I have the exact same thing as you and I've had it before I'm 19 now and like you say it worrying knowing it there but don't want to go tp the doctors

  • Hello e21010i2e and thanks for posting, 

    A lot of people with health concerns turn to the internet to try and work out what is the matter, but it is no substitute for see a doctor which is almost always the advice we give. It is worth it for the peace of mind. If the thought embarrasses you, you can ask to see a female doctor or nurse.  

    I hope it is easy for you to get an appointment sorted out so you can find out what this lump is- hopefully it won't turn out to be anything serious. 

    Best wishes,


  • ive had this before and I know exactly what you mean it's like a hard small pea size lump inside the hood and when you pull back the hood you can see the white lump. So I recently learnt that masturbation can cause this and it happens if you're not cleaning under the hood very well after. So what worked for me was placing a warm flannel on top of the clitoris and then squeezing it out. If starts to bleed or you're in pain immediately stop and maybe contact your doctor. 

    best wishes xx

  • Hi! I know you posted this a while ago, but I have a pea size lump next to my ***, i near enough masturbate everyday, I went to the doctors today and she said it's thrush, it's painless and it doesn't itch. So worried it's cancer 

  • Hello, and thanks for posting. 

    As you say it has been a while since this person posted so I thought I would respond so you got an answer.

    Today you saw a doctor and they reviewed you and told you that you have thrush which is quite common. Cancer of the vulva is a rare cancer and is usually seen in women who are 75 and over. We have no data currently of somebody of your age with this cancer in our statistics.

    If you remain concerned and the treatment doesn't help do go back to your GP and talk through your worries. It would also be good to chat to an adult you trust about your anxieties about your health.

    Take care and I hope this all gets sorted for you soon.



  • Some women don’t know but under our clitirol hood we have a little hole that can lead to build up from periods,ect.this then builds up in that hole and can form a hard stone feeling which can be seen when the *** is pulled back this can be removed it’s just build up