Feeling of something stuck in throat

For 5 months I've had the sensation of something sharp or prickly low down in my throat, which obviously makes me cough a bit and want to clear my throat. I have no problem swallowing and don't have any other symptoms other than occasional earache ( which oddly switches between ears) and a very slight croak in my voice which I can feel no one listening to me can notice.

Have had anti-biotics and also blood test (which came back "normal") but due to Covid no face to face consultation. ( Currently awaiting one with ENT)

Obviously driving me mad and causing a lot of anxiety. 

Has anyone had anything similar, or any suggestions. 

Obviously I'm concerned about throat cancer but it seems odd that the symptoms have not worst and I haven't developed any new ones 

  • Hello,

    There is information about tests used for swallowing problems on the NHS website link here,


    Video fluoroscopy known as barium swallow, is when they look at the swallowing as it happens.  

    They will be seeing if you have a narrowing in your foodpipe, as you swallow. This can be due to various reasons. It is a reasonable test to do to get more initial information. If you are younger, then they won't necessarily be thinking of oesophageal cancer as this tends to occur in older people.  

    Hopefully, you will be able to find out more about your situation very soon. 

    Do speak with your GP about this, once the test has been done, to see what they advise. 

    I hope that this is helpful,

    Best wishes,


  • Hi, I have had same feeling 2 and half years ago. I pushed my GP so first I were referred to ENT, they checked with camera but found nothing in my throat. Later ENT specialist referrered me for MRI and they said my right tonsil is bigger than the left one so that can be the reason of that feeling. After that they did tonsils tests which came normal. ENT prescribed antacid whereas I never ever had acid reflux issues. 
    Same year I was diagnosed with anemia, doctor referred me for gastroscopy to check the blood leakage. I were diagnosed with hiatus hernia which is less than 2cm and barret esophagus. Specialist took 4 biopsy and report came after 3 weeks that's it's just inflammation and no cancer cells. 
    last year Dr refered me for endoscopy to check the blood leakage, I received appointment on 1st July 2021and nothing was found at all. 
    I think antacid will help. I'm physically fit, have no issues but this silent reflux is a nightmare sometimes. 
    So don't worry and just don't think about it but make sure you ask your doctor for Gastroscopy as well. 
    hope it will help. 

  • Hi.  I have this problem right now and feeling of food trapped in my throat and chest.  Also feels sharp and very uncomfortable and makes my anxiety go on.  Also in alot of severe pain within my stumach and constantly being sick and cant eat for days .  Have alot of problems with my throat always going into spasm and difficulties with swollowing etc.   Also coughing with my throat with the prickly feeling .   Alot of GPs today dismiss people with this feeling and always put it down to anxiety . Its the favourite with doctors today unfortunately.  Also get it checked out to be on the safe side.   If your not happy with one doctors diagnoses always get a second opinion then go from there.  Hope your feeling better soon.  Blessings . X

  • Hello and thank you for your post in Ask the Nurses,

    While I know that you are talking to walkie-talkie I have read your post and hope that your symptoms do get better. But if after following your GP's advice they do not then do go back and explain that you still have them.

    I hope you will be okay.

    Take care


  • Hi, I have a feeling something stuck in my throat for about 6 weeks now. The gland on the left side of my neck swells now and again. Unlike others mine gets worse when eating and after eating. I rang the dr but couldn’t be seen. It was a nurse not a dr, she said it was pointless seeing me, cause if I can’t see anything she won’t be able to. She spoke to a dr and I have been referred to ENT. At first it was only happening now and again and was mild, now it’s their all the time and more severe. Recently it has started making my voice croak and I am constantly drinking and trying to clear my throat. It is 100% worse than before. I already take lanzoprazol tablets for reflux, due to medication I take. I don’t think it’s stress or all in my head. I work full time and talk for a living on the phones and I start feeling at the end of my shift I am straining my throat. It’s really starting to get me down as it’s starting to put me off eating as it makes it worse after eating. When I go to bed I am still trying to clear my throat over and over till I eventually fall asleep. I am going to chase up the appointment.

  • Hi, your comment is one of few that has put my mind at ease. I feel silly even being on this page. I'm 24 years old and have had ongoing throat problems for the best part of two years now. My doctors don't want to listen my friends and family keep saying your too young etc. One doctor felt my throat a few years ago and sent me on my way pretty much laughed in my face. The other one told me to quit smoking and sent me through a local charity for help. My symptoms are itching feeling in my throat, the feel of phlegm constantly stuck, I get constant headache, if I put pressure on my throat even a face mask resting on it I feel suffocated, it's getting more difficult to swallow food. I'm so scared it unreal and I don't know what to do with myself. I have another doctors appointment next week to discuss this. I don't want to leave my three babies motherless at such a young age. Could this just be a irritated throat from smoking or is it as sinister as I believe it to be ? :( 

  • Hello, 

    I too have suffered with something similar on & off for years. When I have a phase of it, it can last for a very long time! And actually eases when I eat but returns shortly after. Does the same happen for you? 

    My doctors ordered an Endoscopy to check for anything untoward - it showed nothing in the throat and gave any clue to what it could be. They have suggested that it could be globus sensation which is stress and anxiety induced. I didn't want to accept that as a diagnosis before, but now that I observe when I get it, it does marry up with the stressful times. 

    I hope you get some answers soon! 

  • I have a feeling something stuck in my throat and pain for the last 4 years it's always come and goes and recently done blood tests and waiting for my scan and endoscopy. It's really annoying coz I have 2 years old baby and always think maybe I have cancer 

  • Hello Ava2020 and thanks for posting, 

    There could easily be other explanations for this feeling in your throat, so while it needs to be looked into, try and keep an open mind about what is the mater. Cancer is much less likely in younger people and as you have a 2 year old I assume you are fairly young.

    Waiting for tests can be hard on the nerves, try and keep yourself distracted so this isn't front of mind while you are waiting to find out more.

    If you want to give us a ring, our number is  Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are here weekdays, 9-5. 

    All the best,


  • hello there, its been a while since your post but i wanted to ask if youre okay now? 

    my mom has been having the same problem for over 3 years now and the doctors everywhere say there is nothing, after scans and cameras and everything nothing seems to be helping and i was wondering if you are okay now and what helped? 

    my mom says its like thorns in her throat and eating helps her and the feeling is gone when eating or drinking but its back in minutes after she stops and 24/7 it just bothers her

    we were planning on going out to a different country for different treatment but its costly and i wanted to know if there is anything in the uk that would help 

    thank you