Feeling of something stuck in throat

For 5 months I've had the sensation of something sharp or prickly low down in my throat, which obviously makes me cough a bit and want to clear my throat. I have no problem swallowing and don't have any other symptoms other than occasional earache ( which oddly switches between ears) and a very slight croak in my voice which I can feel no one listening to me can notice.

Have had anti-biotics and also blood test (which came back "normal") but due to Covid no face to face consultation. ( Currently awaiting one with ENT)

Obviously driving me mad and causing a lot of anxiety. 

Has anyone had anything similar, or any suggestions. 

Obviously I'm concerned about throat cancer but it seems odd that the symptoms have not worst and I haven't developed any new ones 

  • hello there

    i just wanted to know if your moms problem was sorted and if so how and if anything was found out as my mom has the same problem for about 3 years

  • Hello, i hope you are doing well

    My mom has the same problem, shehas had tests done and everything over the past 3/4 years and there is nothing to be found. she says it is like a sharpness in her throat and it only goes when she eats or drinks something but every other time she can always feel it, we have asked the doctor to refer her and the wait time is 2 years and even then they never seem to find out the problem, it really is stressful as she cant do anything at all. 

    i hope someone can help her as shes been suffering for a very long time


  • Hi my names Kelly I have just been the doctors with a small lump on the left side just under my gland and sore throat the doctor did no tests just give me antibiotics since then I have a sensation in my throat like there's food stuck in there and still got sore throat I have phoned my doctors back and demanded a second opinion but am very worried now I have a young baby and just cry if I think the worst what happened with you if you don't m9nd me asking 

  • Hello Graciejoy2022 and thanks for posting, 

    I am one of the nurses and since you have posted on a thread in our topic area, I am just popping in because I noticed that Jayjay49 hasn't posted for a while so may not get back to you. Bear in mind that finding out what happened to other people doesn't always shed much light on what is going on with you - every situation is different.  

    If after a course of antibiotics, symptoms persists it is reasonable to ask the GP what the next steps should be. I hope you won't mind me pointing out that although people often worry a lot about the possibility of cancer, since most symptoms can occur for other more common and less serious reasons, there could well be another explanation. 

    Sometimes, it is hard not to worry, so try and keep an open mind, but do speak to your GP and get them to explain their thinking. As a general rule because cancer is a more common disease in older people, it is less likely in younger people and as you have a baby I assume you are on the young side. 

    Give us a ring if you want to talk anything over, our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and we are here weekdays, 9-5.

    Best wishes, 
