Feeling of something stuck in throat

For 5 months I've had the sensation of something sharp or prickly low down in my throat, which obviously makes me cough a bit and want to clear my throat. I have no problem swallowing and don't have any other symptoms other than occasional earache ( which oddly switches between ears) and a very slight croak in my voice which I can feel no one listening to me can notice.

Have had anti-biotics and also blood test (which came back "normal") but due to Covid no face to face consultation. ( Currently awaiting one with ENT)

Obviously driving me mad and causing a lot of anxiety. 

Has anyone had anything similar, or any suggestions. 

Obviously I'm concerned about throat cancer but it seems odd that the symptoms have not worst and I haven't developed any new ones 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you are having and appreciate this must be a worry for you.

    It is good to hear you will be speaking to the consultant in a couple of days. They will be able to assess you properly and decide if you need some more tests to find out what the problem might be.

    Try not to over think things for now though if you can. Symptoms such as swellings can develop for lots of reasons and in many cases the cause won't be cancer. Sit tight for now and hopefully you will know more soon.

    Please get back if you need to or if you would prefer to talk things through over the phone give us a call on 0808 800 4040, Mon-Fri 9-5.

    Best wishes


  • Hello, 

    I hope you are well and are doing okay.

    My mom is experiencing pain and sharpness in her throat for over a year now. Every day it seems to be getting worse and she's so scared now. Were all scared. She's done scans, x Ray's, everything but nothing seems to be coming up and she's tried a lot of antibiotics and still nothing. They have ruled it acid reflux but we KNOW that's not what it is, its something more and I've finally found a place where you all have similar experiences, there are a lot of things on the internet you can read but we need to know what actually is the problem. 

    Were so worried 

    I hope everything goes well for you 

  • Did u ever get it sorted I'm having the same problem 

  • Did u get it sorted I'm having the same thing x

  • Hiya so I went for the camera down my throat and they said they couldn't see anything and ruled it to be silent reflux and put me on Nexium. 

    My symptoms have not gona away and I  on these now 4 months. I have another appointment on May 27th so they will send me for a scan then I think as that is what they said the last time. 

    I still have ear pain , throat pain and feeling of lump in throat. But now also have ringing in ears alot and feeling of fullness on left side of my face. 


    Hopefully next appointment I will get answers  


    Have u been to your doc? 

    X M

  • Hello, Louise, and thanks for posting.

    I am aware that you have posted on a few threads so understand you must be very worried about cancer, but nobody on the forum nor any of the nurses are going to be able to tell you if there is anything the matter. 

    Anyone has any symptoms they are concerned about we would encourage them to call their GP surgery and arrange an appointment. A doctor will be able to properly assess you and bring you in for a face to face appointment if needed.

    Take care, and I hope you know more about your situation soon.


  • Please follow this up. My husband had eagle syndrome, it's a long styloid process bone in your neck. His damaged his carotid artery and caused several strokes aged 35 resulting in left sided weakness, but you're right it can also cause all the neck/ear/throat symptoms. You probably don't have this but they should be able to check your styloid and artery with a scan surely? He's had both his styloid removed now. Im sure. We never knew about it until his strokes, no symptoms except sore neck. Sorry, i just saw ur post and thought i should say, i was actually reading up on the feeing of something in throat. Dont let them not pay attention to you x 

  • How did you get on with you appointment?

    im 22 and I'm currently having extreme headaches at the back of my neck coming over the midline of my head and in the bridge of my nose accompanied by stomach pains, diarrhoea, dry mouth and throat burning/tightness. 

    ive been sent home as bloods were normal and waiting on outpatient MRI. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you have and expect these must be a worry for you. I'm afraid no one on here can diagnose or tell you what the matter is and it is a matter of waiting for this MRI scan now.

    Symptoms can be caused by a range of different things and in most cases won't be anything as serious as a cancer so try not to over think things for now.

    Of course if the symptoms change or worsten let your doctors know or contact NHS111 for advice.

    All the best


  • Hello 

    I rang 111 today and they got hold of my GP who has now arranged a barium sallow x-ray but does this mean she thinks I may have oesophageal cancer? I also heard this isn't the best diagnosis go find out if you do have cancer?