Feeling of something stuck in throat

For 5 months I've had the sensation of something sharp or prickly low down in my throat, which obviously makes me cough a bit and want to clear my throat. I have no problem swallowing and don't have any other symptoms other than occasional earache ( which oddly switches between ears) and a very slight croak in my voice which I can feel no one listening to me can notice.

Have had anti-biotics and also blood test (which came back "normal") but due to Covid no face to face consultation. ( Currently awaiting one with ENT)

Obviously driving me mad and causing a lot of anxiety. 

Has anyone had anything similar, or any suggestions. 

Obviously I'm concerned about throat cancer but it seems odd that the symptoms have not worst and I haven't developed any new ones 

  • Hi...I can hear your anxiety. Have you ever heard of globus?  A sensation which makes you think there is a lump at the back of your throat when there isn't?  I, like you had the same symptoms and the more I worried the worse it got.  Certainly, I had something as I kept coughing and throat clearing. The more I worried, the worse my symptoms. I went to 3/4 doctors in Cornwall who said 'it's all in your mind'...unbelievably.  One night was so bad, I coughed and coughed and I found myself in the out of hours drop in centre after my husband called 111.  Fortunately, I saw a lovely doctor from London who immediately diagnosed reflux. But I hsve no burning sensation I said. He said it's reflux. I was given Omeprazole (since had Ranitidine too) but still now Omeprazole and literally overnight my symptoms disappeared. I did have an endoscopy which did reveal erythema in tummy and oesophagitis of course.Try not to worry. Many people have these symptoms. I was going through a lot of stress studying at the time, staying up all night aged 40. Best wishes for you. 

  • Cheers Fleur,


    Help I've read about Globus and  it definitely sounds similar  although mine feels more like having a pin stuck in my throat rather than a lump but I could see how it  a variation of it. I've seriously wondered for much of the last few months if the condition is psychosomatic as it doesn't seem to affect my sleep and I find eating okay ( infact eating seems to settle it) . Like you the symptoms definitely get worst with stress/ anxiety. What is in no doubt is that the sensation feels very real and its impossible not to cough to try to clear it, 

    About 25 years ago I suffered for months with a head pains and a foggy head which turned on to be anxiety so I'm already aware of nasty tricks your body can play on.

    Though I am prone to anxiety I'm very fit and active and almost never get sick so this real weird. I might try out the reflux remedy,  though like you I definitely can't feel any burning sensation.

    Though not a smoker I am conscious of the fact that I've been a relatively heavy drinker for much of my life which has increased my anxiety regarding throat cancer.

    Anyway thanks for answering,  you've definitely put my mind at rest a fair bit.





  • Hello again


    The reason eating eases it is because you are temporarily thinking of something else!! I am very fit too.  Never smoked, didnt drink as much as most and yet I got reflux....seemed unfair to me.  Drinking causes reflux.  Drinking is a trigger, as is most dairy and spicy foods and fried foods too.  I have lived with reflux for 10 years and there isnt much I dont know about it.  Drinking isnt great though and causes so many problems...you could suggest reflux to your doctor and see if treatment such as the antacids I suggested help and also, if you can bear it, request an endoscopy...they are not pleasant and make sure you say some sedation would help as you need to swallow a camera.  At least then, your mind can be completely put to rest. Goodnight and no point in stressing...

  • Hi and thanks for your posts

    You've had some good advice from Fleur 2014 but really, it's impossible for anyone to say what this may be without having further tests, so it's good that you will be having an appointment at an ENT clinic.You'll get examined and if necessary you'll be referred for further tests. 

    Symptoms like these can cause anxiety, but remember that there are usually a number of possible explanations other than cancer.

    So I'm afraid that for now, you just have to sit tight and wait for the appointment to come around. Try and keep busy to keep your mind off things , though I can appreciate that this will be hard.

    I hope you get to hear about your appointment soon

    All the best


  • Cheers Wanda, 


    Still waiting to get a date to see ENT. Getting pretty scared now though, as my throat has got a lot more painful over the last few days after months of barely changing and I'm getting more earache. ( Though my glands aren't doing much and I can still swallow okay even if I don't feel quite as hungry)

    Trying to stay positive, but finding it very difficult as apart from LPR can't find anything on Dr Google that could be a likely alternative to Throat Cancer.


  • Hiya my name is Jason I went to doctor for a lump in the throat for a few months and received antibiotics.i went back to doc a few times just more antibiotics.the way I confirmed to myself it was cancer we the headaches at the back of the head with jaw acke and earache and a small lump on my left just under the jaw in the end I got second appinion that doc said yer look s like cancer

  • Are you getting bad headache to the back of yr head and jaw ache

  • No real headaches or jaw ache, glands in right side of neck seem to be going and down a bit. A lot of ringing in the ears but I suffer from this anyway (particularly when stressed). 



  • I feel ur pain, I have had a feeling of some thing stuck in my throat since Xmas 2019 I cough every day some times it hurts some times it doesn't but the feeling is always there am tired all the time my chest hurts like one of my kids sitting on it I find eatting uncomfortable now . I have been to the doctors countless times, inhalers, steroids, anti -b, normal bloods, reflux pills and liquids but nothing has stopped the feeling.

    Am due for an x-ray for my chest and awating an ENT appointment but with covid god knows when that will be, my mum terminal with cancer 3 diffrent types,

    Am so scared it's along those lines and so desperate to find out.



  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your mum and appreciate that the symptoms you have are now concerning you as they have been going on for a while.

    However it is reassuring to know your GP has referred you to ENT and for a chest x ray so hopefully you will be seen and know much more soon.

    I understand times like this can be very unsettling but hold your nerve and keep yourself busy and your mind occupied until you find out more.

    Please get back if you need to and if ever you want to talk to one of the nurses on the helpline the number is 0808 800 4040, we are here Monday to Friday 9am till 5pm.

    Best wishes
